As time goes by and years go on our bodies definitely take notice. Wear- and-tear begins to set in and starts to break down or shows signs of degeneration throughout the body, and the spine is no different. As the spine begins to degenerate with age, the disc space starts to shrink, and can start to irritate or inflame the spinal nerves even more. This nerve interference can lead to many different ailments such as chronic pains, loss of motion, neuropathy, loss of function, and so much more.

While under regular Chiropractic care, seniors are able to help mitigate many of the symptoms that accompany aging and live a healthier life. Some of the benefits that we see with seniors being under consistent chiropractic care include:

  • Have greater mobility throughout their body in both the spine and throughout the joints

  • An improvement on balance and coordination which is important to help limit the occurrence of falls and accidents.

  • Slowing down the progression of spinal degeneration

  • Able to live a more active lifestyle

  • Reduction in inflammation in the joints

  • An improvement on blood and oxygen circulation throughout the body

  • Helping to treat ailments such as chronic pains, sciatica, neuropathy, arthritis

Chiropractic care for seniors is a way to increase longevity and energy by correcting misalignment and helping to restore neurological functioning. While under consistent chiropractic care seniors have been proven to have better qualities of life including lesser dependence on medications, an increase in energy and activity levels, and the occurrence of fewer health problems. It is our goal at Fortitude Family Chiropractic to not just treat your symptoms but to had years to your life and most important life into your years!